Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sun Sash - Roses

How often do we have the time or take the time to... really stop and smell the roses? really look at the sunset in awe? look into our children’s eyes and see the hope of tomorrow? really dream with them and believe in tomorrow? believe that peace is possible? dream of a better tomorrow? ... never having enough time to slow down and look, hear, smell, taste and feel life. 
~Lenten Journey Day 18

Getting lost is not intentional. No one begins a journey with the hope of getting lost. The truth is, in the journey of life we come across many difficulties, many obstacles, that prevent us from reaching the fullness that we want in life. Those obstacles stand in front of us like roadblocks as we travel toward our dreams. When the road is blocked, we immediately look for ways to circumvent, to go around the obstacles and in so doing, we swerve off course. We get lost. We discussed this earlier as being one of the foundations of being in a “sinful nature.” That is, we missed the mark. We’re shooting for that perfection but we miss it. We’re off the bull’s-eye. MORE

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
Facebook : St. Peter Armenian Church
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sun Sash - Expressions

God speaks to us. From the depths of our heart we hear His voice. His words are the answers that are always with us, no matter where we go. When Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life,” it is the profound expression of love. There is one direction. There is only one path. It is the path of love. 
~Lenten Journey Day 17

In Context...
Lenten Journey Day 17 - Turning Around

A wide variety of emotions and feelings accompany us on our Lenten Journey. Because we are each unique creations, we each approach our spirituality in different ways. Some may feel tranquility. Some may feel inner peace. Others may feel anxiety – fear of the unknown, of MORE

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
Facebook : St. Peter Armenian Church
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sun Sash - Trump

The Love of God trumps everything, no matter how strong those feelings of jealousy or envy may be. 
~Lenten Journey Day 16

In Context
Lenten Journey Day 16 - The Other Brother

For the past two days we looked at two different characters from the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15). Today we will continue looking at the parable and this time focus on the actions of the older brother.

 Of the three characters in the prodigal son, perhaps it is the older brother with whom we can best identify. Perhaps it is because, MORE

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
Facebook : St. Peter Armenian Church
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sun Sash - Return

...An end to grudges is in order. Don’t get caught up in foolish pride. Leave doors open without expecting someone to walk through. Don’t wait for those who have hurt you to return, just know that deep down there are many desires that may not be understood. If the door is open, they may return and when they do you will embrace them.
~Lenten Journey Day 15

In Context

Lenten Journey Day 15 : The Prodigal's Father

Yesterday we were introduced to the story of the Prodigal Son. In the 15th chapter of the Gospel of St. Luke, Jesus offers this parable which touches so many different dimensions of our lives. Yesterday we reflected on the sin of the Prodigal son; that is, the “prodigalness” of the young man. His sin was that he abused the gifts that were given him. We share in that sin by abusing, which includes not using, the talents given to us by God. Today we look at the character of the father. MORE

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sun Sash - Inheritance

God has given each of us talents. He has given us life itself. Indeed the breath we breathe is a gift, as is the smile on our face, our ability to hug and our passion to reach out.
~Lenten Journey Day 14

In context
Lenten Journey Day 14 - The Prodigal Son
Every Sunday during the Lenten Season has a unique name. Today is known as the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Accordingly, the lesson of the day comes from the Gospel of St. Luke, Chapter 15, where Jesus teaches using a parable, commonly known as the story of the Prodigal Son.
Perhaps if nothing else reached us from the time of Jesus MORE

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sun Sash - Unreasonable

Push yourself to find the truth that is beyond reason.  Pay back everyone with love. To offer kindness to those who are kind to you, is only human. To pay back evil and hatred with kindness and love is surely divine. 
~Lenten Journey Day 13

The Saturdays of Lent give us a chance to contemplate faith in action by celebrating the lives of the saints. As we learned last week, Orthodox tradition, and therefore the Armenian Church, looks to the MORE

A New Next Step is available. 
asks the question - why are we selling time shares instead of the message of hope and salvation? Listen in 

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sun Sash - Symbiosis

All evil is sin, but not all sin is evil.
~Lenten Journey Day 12

Today's Sun Sash in context...

You’ve made it to the 12th day of Lent. Today is an opportunity to look back and say, Yes, I have done it and to look forward and say, Yes, it is possible to complete! Today is also a day not to get caught up in the foolish pride to say, Yes, I have done it but there is a purpose for it. Lent is for the betterment of myself. By improving myself, I will be better able and equipped to affect others, my society, my community and ultimately my world.
Today we will look at the problem of sin. Perhaps one of the most misunderstood concepts or themes in the Christian faith is sin. Our understanding (or misunderstanding) of sin stems from MORE

A New Next Step is available. 
asks the question - why are we selling time shares instead of the message of hope and salvation? Listen in 

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sun Sash - Sideways

If there is going to be harmony in our lives, if there is going to be peace in this world, it’s not because I am offering a prayer upwards, but because I am offering a prayer sideways. I am reaching out to my brothers and my sisters and I am going to be the vehicle of love. 
~Lenten Journey 11

Read today's mediation in context:
The eleventh day of Lent is a special one in the journey. Eleven is the first prime number and the only prime number of equal proportions. It reminds us of the delicate balance between body, soul and mind. It reminds us of the uniqueness of the primes as well as the uniqueness of our lives. Finding that balance in our lives, of course, is one of the reasons we are taking this journey... MORE

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sun Sash - The Deal

The Deal
I know it seems overwhelming and you feel you can’t pay Me back. So I will work out a payment schedule so that you can pay off your debt. Here’s the deal...
~Lenten Journey Day 10

In Context:

Jesus instructs us to pray the “Our Father” prayer. We say, “Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name…” Along with the request to give us this day our daily bread, there is another request that is uniquely qualified. That is, the fulfillment of the request is dependent on our actions. MORE

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sun Sash - Listen

There are times to listen, times to talk, times when we should not talk, and times when we should not listen. Much of the difficulty that we endure in life is because we place importance on things that do not matter.
~Lenten Journey Day 9

In Context:
Day 9 is a turning point in your Lenten Journey. Many of the toxins in your system have been eliminated by this point. Be sure to nourish your organs with plenty of water.

Day 9 is also an appropriate time to begin taking inventory of the your Lenten Journey itself. Up until now, we have been inventorying habits, emotions, relationships and those things related to the journey. Now turn your attention to the journey itself – to these days we have more

This week's message regarding Lent (USArmenia Braodcast)

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sun Sash - Planks

You can find love, and that love is no farther than the people all around you. 
Look at the difficulties – those “planks” – that distort our perception and prevent us from seeing the beauty that is all around us. 
~Lenten Journey Day 8

In Context:
Lenten Journey Day 8: Judging
 As we begin the second week of the Lenten Season we explore our emotions and the actions they produce. We begin this week by looking at the instruction pertaining to judgment given to us by Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount. We read Jesus’ words,

Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others you will be judged. And with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay more

This week's message regarding Lent (USArmenia Braodcast)

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sun Sash - Jot

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. - Jesus

Read In Context

Lenten Journey Day 7 - Expulsion from Paradise
Unique to the Armenian church is the practices of naming each Sunday of Lent with a descriptive and special name. This Sunday is called the Sunday of Expulsion. We are reminded of how sin enters into our life and prevents us from experiencing the best of life – Paradise - in God’s fullness.

When you enter an Armenian church during Lent, more
Check out more about Lent - with resources, recipes and more at

On the Next Step this Week...
Goal Oriented Imperfection
Next Step #245: Using symbols and myths to explain the mysteries in life gets a bit confusing when Armenian churches light some bonfires in the back yard. Mid Winter. Purification, Presentation, Valentine's and Adam & Eve all come together for today's show. The Pope's resignation begs the question of running the Perfect Body of Christ with imperfect people. Stripping away the imperfections and finding the bulls-eye in the middle of our faith. "There's something beautiful in the Armenian Church but..." was the general consensus last week, and this week there's more. The Curtain in the Armenian Church - and how we have become the curtain -the reason for separation from paradise. In New Mexico - figuring out the Catholic Church and in Paradise figuring out Adam & Eve's identity. It's about time the Armenian alphabet adds a "th" and "w" sound. All in this week's edition.
Anush's Pomegranate Seed: "Amazing Love"
Song: Schubert - Grammy Award Winning artist Kim Kashkashian
Kim Kashkashian Grammy Award
More on  Life, Love & Sayat Nova - Next Step #35
10 Worst Popes of All Time
Lenten Journey - 
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Look for The Next Step on
Now on Stitcher Radio! 

Blubrry player!

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sun Sash - Facilitating

Keep in mind that Jesus also has a dream. It is a dream for peace. His dream involves love, kindness and charity to all of His children. He looks to us... to become the facilitators, the means by which peace can come.
~Lenten Journey Day 6

Read it in Context
Lenten Journey, Day 6: Facilitating the vision

Saints are remembered on the Church calendar during the Lenten Season, as they are throughout the year. On this first Saturday of Lent, this year the Church remembers St. Theodore the Warrior, a personality from the 4th Century.

In Orthodox tradition we look to the saints as examples of living life with purpose and in the path of Christ. Saints are never worship. Each of them are people just like us. In their humanity, they were able to rise to the occasion... more

Check out more about Lent - with resources, recipes and more at

On the Next Step
Goal Oriented Imperfection
Next Step #245: Using symbols and myths to explain the mysteries in life gets a bit confusing when Armenian churches light some bonfires in the back yard. Mid Winter. Purification, Presentation, Valentine's and Adam & Eve all come together for today's show. The Pope's resignation begs the question of running the Perfect Body of Christ with imperfect people. Stripping away the imperfections and finding the bulls-eye in the middle of our faith. "There's something beautiful in the Armenian Church but..." was the general consensus last week, and this week there's more. The Curtain in the Armenian Church - and how we have become the curtain -the reason for separation from paradise. In New Mexico - figuring out the Catholic Church and in Paradise figuring out Adam & Eve's identity. It's about time the Armenian alphabet adds a "th" and "w" sound. All in this week's edition.
Anush's Pomegranate Seed: "Amazing Love"
Song: Schubert - Grammy Award Winning artist Kim Kashkashian
Kim Kashkashian Grammy Award
More on  Life, Love & Sayat Nova - Next Step #35
10 Worst Popes of All Time
Lenten Journey - 
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
Look for The Next Step on
Now on Stitcher Radio! 

Blubrry player!

Where to find...
Video Instruction: In Step w/Christ
Weekly Newsletter - The Key
St. Peter Armenian Church & Youth Ministries
632 W. Stocker St.
Glendale, CA 91202